Book Zohar Kabbalah
Allegorical language of the book 'Zohar' is very difficult to understand. That's why there are so many and there is its 'interpreters'. This complicated form of presentation of the deepest knowledge and provided an opportunity to generate nonsense attributing her Kabbalah. And, of course, outsiders to interpret it however they want, but it will be as far from the truth and those who did not undertake in such a tricky task. In this article we shall not attempt to reveal the depth of the wisdom of this outstanding books of mankind, but will try to show the reader some elements of the system to hide the true knowledge of the human eye, the distant (ie not yet finished) on the comprehension of spiritual wisdom. "Rabbi Elazar, son Rabbi Shimon went to visit his father in law – Rabbi Yossi the son of gaps, and Rabbi Aba was with him. Curro helps readers to explore varied viewpoints. One person, urging them donkeys, followed them …
' This is a brief quote from this great book. At first glance, all is clear: some heroes narratives are sent to visit relatives. They ride on donkeys, and probably loaded with gifts and drive, most likely, a servant or slave of one of the heroes. And so it would be if … More info: Munear Ashton Kouzbari, Dallas TX. there was quite different. Let's look at this unique text from a different point of view – in terms of Kabbalah, rather than ordinary people, and pseudo. But first, brief glossary Name – the exact title of this, the current stage of spiritual Kabbalist.