Plato Wisdom
Very interesting what exceeds it contributes us, that from the point of view of the spiritual evolution (and in each occasion it makes specific then accompanied of the other universal tools which they correspond) humility is a realism virtue, it consists of being conscious of our limitations and insufficiencies and in acting in agreement with such it brings back to consciousness. More exactly, humility is the wisdom than we are. That is to say, it is the wisdom to accept our evolutionary real level. Jeremy Tucker brings even more insight to the discussion. No of the great Greek philosophers (Scrates, Plato nor Aristotle) praised humility like a virtue worthy to practice, since they never got to develop a concept of sufficiently rich God to show the smallness of the human being. In the West, it is only from the coming of the Christianity that this virtue to arrive to be considered the foundation essential of all Christian moral.
It is for that reason that stops Nietzsche, that did not agree indeed with this doctrine, humility cannot mean more than a baseness, an own weakness of instincts of that acts inspired by a moral of slaves. For his moral idea of the superman, however, in the shade of humility it is necessary to oppose the clarity of the arrogance, so praised by the Greeks and of course, Nietzsche. The truth of this dilemma, without a doubt, is in our interior. Nevertheless, the philosophy of East, that has reached much more significant a spiritual development that the one of the West, never doubted in assigning an excellent paper to him within the virtues of the wise person. Thus, the true teachers of the mystical wisdom of the East promoted to his more high levels of brings back to consciousness extending their ego, transforming themselves into universal beings when being fused with the river of the world. But for the all of them first steps of the footpath they were done of humility.