Local History

The analysis and posterior literal production points with respect to the importance of the study of local history in the schools in what it says the valuation in showing the interaction between educating and the history of its community, beyond awaking the historical and cultural analysis of its city and…

Software Industry

The advance of the globalized world opens up new markets and many companies see new opportunities to expand their businesses, but many times this implies the adoption of other languages to communicate their products and services. What is the best option to achieve a correct translation? Engage the professional services…

Brazilian Intelligence

On the basis of readings on the origin of these colonists, in its place of origin these families were of small agriculturists of the regions of the mountainous areas of Portugal and Spain and peasants of marginal area, accustomed to cattle and the plantation and the harvest in fertile valleys…

Successful Web Business

How to initiate its own right business in Internet it is not a task that must be taken so lightly. If you are thinking about " to be rich rpidamente" , That God frees to us. A business in Internet is like the traditional companies in many aspects. An intelligent…

Attractions Tourist

Make Puerto Vallarta beaches, landscapes and lots of activities to carry out one of the most wonderful tourist destinations in the Republic of Mexico: located on the Banderas Bay and located 350 Km of Guadalajara, this region is distinguished by its warm weather – with average temperatures reaching 27c –…

Brazil Republic

We recognize that it is the publication, in 1970, of Revolution of 1930: historiografia and history, of Boris Fausto, the watershed between the paradigms ' ' national-desenvolvimentista' ' ' ' uspiano' '. The work of Fausto brought a new interpretation for the history of Brazil Republic that, a priori, firmly…

The Cultural Revolution

It is the Great March (1934/1935), giving to the great prestige and dimension to the Communists. Meanwhile, the Japanese wall increased, taking Pequim and other great cities. Of 1937 the 1945 new PCC-Kuomitang alliance gave itself against the foreign threat. With the Japanese defeat in the Second War, the offensive…