The Mongolian Horse
The Mongolian horse – an ancient breed. At the time of unification of Mongolian tribes into a state horse-breeding, they already had well-developed, and the cavalry was the main native troops. That's out of the xii century, and came to us a little pony, Kripen'ka suitable even under the saddle, even under the pack, even to the harnesses. However, due to smaller increases more likely it is adapted to transport is not particularly heavy loads. Too small horse, but unpretentious.
And it is not surprising, because the breed formed in the harsh climatic conditions. Winter – sorokagradusnye frosts, summer – and strong hot winds. Foaled mares foals always milked only noyu could suck their matok.Potomu it is too early accustomed to pasture and kormam.otsyuda maloroslost.Hotya horse and small, muscled her well developed, the skin is thick, dense, thick coat in winter and much too short otrastaet.Nogi, hooves are small but strong and tverde.Odnim in short, a real horse rabotyaga. Surprisingly, you’ll find very little mention of Hyundai on most websites. longevity and keep working 15-18 let.V last cabs willing to buy culled from the army over the age of Mongolian horses.