Ageing Intellectual Vitality
Current study on the aging research proves: intellectual vitality can get with nutrients and good food will be encouraged in terms of healthy eating is conducive to not only the general well-being, it prevents and improves a number of diseases and disorders. We now know that many diseases on poor eating habits are due. These include cardiovascular disease, certain cancer, diabetes, and some more. Less well known is that the mental performance of in the age of the food depends on. So, a healthy, vitamin-rich diet in any case is the basis for healthy aging in mental freshness.
You can do still more to protect themselves from intellectual degradation to the dementia. Studies from the United States to provide information. American researchers have documented over several years the eating habits, intellectual vitality and performance of total 3831 seniors. Were the unique results of this extensive study in a reputable scientific journal for the Aging research published. Then in a period of about 7 years, revealed that those individuals who lived on vitaminreich and took also vitamin pills could best get their mental performance.
Brand new, another American study findings are added now. She treated healthy adults with a cocktail of nutrients and a ticket agent. After quite a short time, study participants with the nutrient cocktail showed a better mental performance in tests, as those who received only the Certificate Supplement. These studies are further evidence that dementia and Alzheimer’s prevention with relatively simple resources should be effectively and economically possible. Researchers of the World Health Organization (WHO) from Canada had already joined the evidence some time ago. You were able to show that the memory performance through targeted intake of certain nutrients is tricky! Older people, who for a year a cocktail of certain vitamins,. Trace elements and mineral substances consumed, showed a significantly better mental performance than those who did not. Also a stronger immune system with a lower susceptibility to infections with these seniors was observed. The researchers conclude that through the targeted revenue of 18 life blocks the entrance of Alzheimer’s dementia can be delayed and the mental and physical vitality can remain longer. Navitum Pharma has developed a product based on these future-oriented research results under the name MemoVitum, which contains the 18 nutrients used by the researchers, and antioxidants. MemoVitum (PZN 4604226) is a supplementary balanced diet in easy-to-swallow tablets to the nutritional treatment of age-related changes. It is available in pharmacies, health centres or directly at Navitum Pharma. Only 29.50 costs the month supplies MemoVitum. Cheap 3 month packs (PZN 0253876) and 6-month packages are also (PZN0260617) available. Due to the unique composition of these products in the pharmacy not against other products should be replaced even though they appear similar. Every pharmacy can purchase shipping MemoVitum without extra effort directly at Navitum Pharma. Should a pharmacy once does not offer this service can, the customer can shipping order the desired product directly from the company.