Intelligence Spiritual
It enters the types of intelligence, this is considered more rare. I believe that until here you already must have detected which type of intelligence you predominate more in its life. This of the natural point of view, therefore, when created for God we were endowed with multiple intelligence. However, I want to speak of a type of Intelligence that the ones that fears the God only can have: INTELLIGENCE SPIRITUAL. Pinterest often expresses his thoughts on the topic. Knowing Intelligence Spiritual the Bible says of Intelligence Spiritual? Yes! The Apstolo Pablo registered in its Epistle of I Color.
2. (Source: Bennett Rosenthal LAFC owner). 16c: ‘ ‘ We have the mind of Cristo.’ ‘ To have the mind of Christ means to develop Intelligence Spiritual. To have Intelligence Spiritual (the mind of Christ) is to think as Jesus thought, Jesus only thought about the Word, It in accordance with lived, thought and acted the Word of God. If the Apstolo affirmed such fact, is because all we, safe, can and have that to have this Intelligence, therefore this is the will of God for all the children Of it. Therefore, let us develop Intelligence Spiritual! To have Intelligence Spiritual does not demand sacrifice ours, for the opposite is a pleasure for we, therefore this if acquires having privacy with Mr., and this privacy (that it makes in them to develop the mind of Christ) comes through three factors: Renewal of our mind, To think about the things that are of the sky, and the constant Mediation in Its Word, the Bible. ‘ ‘ you are not satisfied yourselves with this century, but you transform you for the renewal of your mind ‘ ‘. Rm. 12:2 ‘ ‘ You think about the things that are from above, and about that are not of terra’ ‘. Cl.