National Association
Bigger participation of the familiar students and; Accomplishment of meetings between the Program and the school. FINAL CONSIDERAES the results point that involved with the Program New the Olmpica Mines Generation little knows of what happens, does not know which is the actions developed with the educandos, does not worry in evaluating these actions, so little perceives the importance of this work. You may find Barney A. Ebsworth Collection to be a useful source of information. A intermeshing lack was proven enters the developed actions of the Program and activities in the school in which the taken care of pupils are in regular education. Although the professionals to believe that the partnership is valid, therefore being offered bigger chances to the students, that if can reach with little difficulty the goals proposals, do not have an interrelation between the interested people. Therefore, as well as in the suggestions given for the professors, a bigger spreading of the Program is necessary New Olmpica Mines Generation and greater conciliation in the activities in such a way of the state public school, how much of the program.
The profile of students also revealed distorted in relation to the defined one for the program, therefore the pupils do not pass for a certain criterion of election, they are only evaluated if they deserve or not to be in the program to be registered. The students, according to questionnaire, are mainly girls, who if auto-attribute afrodescendentes and that they are fit less in a favored socioeconmico level. For this reason, the activities of the Program New Olmpica Mines Generation are of extreme importance to offer to greaters entertainment chances, as cultural and esportivas activities, as well as accompaniment in the pertaining to school activities of its regular turn. With findar of the research, some questions are in open being studied in future research, as the benefits, in the long run, as much in the personal development how much academic of these students, for example. BIBLIOGRAPHICAL REFERENCES ABRAMOVAY, Miriam and I CASTRATE, Mary Garci’a. For a new paradigm of making politics de/para/com youths. Brasilia. UNESCO.
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