You have to be honest, these strategies can be very effective, but to view results you must apply them constantly and regularly. At the beginning you will not see many results, but if you keep applying them, you let’s we begin seeing exponential results. OK, here are strategies: 1 – comments on other blogs-this is essentially when you write comments on posts or entries in blogs related to your niche. Sorry to be so repetitive but I put emphasis on this: what we seek is to give value to people in our niche, so write nonsensical comments will not help much, make sure you read the article that you are going to comment, you understand the main points, and then typing a smart comment. This will help you to achieve two things: firstly, a link to your blog will be created.
This allows other people who visit the blog and liked your comments to find more information about you (the link will bring them directly to your blog) and secondly, and this is very important: can happen that If you do this constantly, you will begin to attract the attention of the owner of the blog, once you have their attention, you can develop a relationship with him; and then sometime in the future can form a strategic alliance (by this the importance of writing smart comments and not without sense). For the person that long ago that it is in this, knows the importance of strategic alliances, with which you can literally drive toward success. Important Tip: I am No expert in strategic alliances but I’ve read a lot about the topic and found a very important Tip that I want to share with you today: never ask an Alliance at the beginning of the relationship agreement. That is how quick and easy to lose the respect of the other person and ruin your chances of developing a strong relationship, which in the future may be helpful for both. Ben Silbermann often addresses the matter in his writings. 2 Marketing in forums: is the most popular in your niche forums and began providing them valuable regularly. It shows people how valuable and useful Eres. You can answer the questions of people researching the topic if you know nothing about it yet, and then writes a very detailed and intended response. Another thing that works very well is write an article as reply or new topic, and you invite people to leave a comment or discuss the topic.
(Don’t forget to leave the link to your blog at the end of the article). If you do this well you can help you get a constant flow of traffic qualified for a long time. 3 Marketing with articles-same thing happens here; Find the most popular articles directories and begins to create valuable articles and upload them to these directories. Probably the most popular directory is 4 – write a post as a guest on other blog-this is a very powerful strategy. If you have state building relationships with other successful bloggers, you can offer you write a post as a guest for them. Sometimes successful bloggers who have created their content for a long time, will give the opportunity to others of provide them with extra content. Of course when you think this kind of posts, using all your skills in writing, to be sure that it will be accepted and once posted in another blog will help you get everything the possible traffic toward yours.